Ia writer page numbers
Ia writer page numbers

#Ia writer page numbers portable

There are several factors that have contributed to Markdown’s rise to the de facto standard for web writers who don’t want to learn HTML: plain text is a portable format, which allows users to move their files around and try multiple apps without losing their data portable files work well with syncing systems like Dropbox and iCloud plain text files are lightweight, which make them ideal for mobile syncing on cellular data and note-taking apps that are meant for quick annotations and short bits of text. Competition is fierce and new apps that rely on Markdown to convert plain text to HTML are announced on a weekly basis. There are hundreds of iOS text editors that use plain text and Markdown to simplify web writing on the iPhone. Markdown is a “text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers”, and, in recent years, has spurred the creation of enhanced variants (such as the popular MultiMarkdown) as well as native apps that integrate with it. Using a simple and easy-to-learn syntax based on plain text, Markdown lets you produce valid HTML without having to manually type any of the language’s complex system of tags. Initially released by Daring Fireball’s John Gruber in March 2004, Markdown is a plain text-based markup language for HTML. Aside from being a beautiful and focused writing tool, iA Writer’s unique keyboard shelf design and abundance of formatting shortcuts make writing Markdown easy and intuitive on iOS.

ia writer page numbers ia writer page numbers ia writer page numbers

IA Writer is our favorite Markdown editor for iOS.

Ia writer page numbers